PT. LKD Multi Industri
PT. LKD Multi Industri
PT. LKD Multi Industri had established on year 1996 with the beginning business was Manufacturing of Electronic Devices which covers manufacturing field of Manual Insertion (PCB) till Final Assembly. And since our commencement of operation in 1996, we have proven our credibility in achieving success in our business field.

To further enhance our customer service with to provide a one-stop service to our customers, we set up a new venture in the form of Warehousing Service since year 2001.
And on year 2002, working with one of the worldwide recognized Multi National Company we had successfully expanded our business for Manufacturing of Disposable Medical Devices which the products have been marketed to worldwide.
PT. LKD Multi Industri had established and maintained the Quality Management System to conform with ISO 9001 since year 2004 and ISO 13485 for Manufacturing of Disposable Medical Devices since year 2008.

PT. LKD Multi Industri
Komp. Walakaka Industrial Estate Blok B No. 1-3 Batam Center
Telp : (62-778) 464 721, 464 722
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