PT. Labtech International
PT. Labtech International
We are a manufacturer guided by educators. At Labtech we have uniquely aligned ourselves with the needs of vocational technical schools, Polytechnics, and Universities around the world. This is because Labtech is guided, not simply by engineers, but by professional educators from North America, Europe and Asia that have years of experience in the field of international education.

Technology Education is vital to economic development and often determines the reach of a country’s upward mobility. Labtech’s philosophy is to design trainers that teach students employable skills that are relevant to supporting the development of technology for industrial and consumer use.

Real world approach. We believe training equipment should be practically oriented and incorporate real components and parts that are found in the industries where students will be employed. We allow students to get close to technology by adopting a “hands-on” approach to training, in this way students become familiar with the real process of technology and are better prepared to make an active contribution in their chosen field.

We offer complete solutions for equipping technology workshops and laboratories in each of our product areas including provision of Labtech trainers, training systems from our associates, educational aids, models, support tools and testing equipment.

International quality standards. Labtech is an ISO 9001 certified company in the areas of Research, Design and Development, Manufacturing with Quality Control for Educational Training Systems, International Marketing, Project Implementation and After Sales Service (view our ISO certificate in English, French or Arabic). Our technical training systems are made to international standards of quality by combining well designed hardware and comprehensive courseware. These standards have allowed us to be a supplier to the United Nations system of organizations along with other high profile international organizations and partners. We also have an active partner program with leading educational institutions and industry insiders who work along side us in product research and development. Furthermore, our trainers incorporate the latest technology enabling educators to keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape.

Strategically located in Asia. Our headquarters and manufacturing facility is located on Batam Island, a duty free special economic zone within Indonesia. Many international companies have recently set up operations on Batam which is only 15km from Singapore, the world’s largest container port. This location provides us with easy shipment capabilities for our products to anywhere in the world. We have also established marketing and distribution offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Jordan and Jakarta in order to facilitate communications and financial transactions.

PT. Labtech International
Kavling 34 Industri Sekupang, Batam, 29422
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Phone : 62-778-321330, 321057, 327781 Fax : 62-778-321414