Amtek Plastic Batam
Amtek Plastic Batam
Established in 2003, PT Amtek Plastic Batam performs extensive molding services, surface treatment as well as secondary processes, such as painting, ultrasonic welding temp and silk screen printing.
Molding machine tonnages range from 50 tons to 550 tons. The factory is 6,822 square meters and is certified to : ISO9001, ISO14001.

  1. Mold design and fabrication
  2. Plastic molding (Horizontal Molding, Insert Molding/Overmolding, Double Shot Molding
  3. Surface treatment (Manual and automated spray painting)
  4. Secondary processes (Ultrasonic welding, Heat staking, tempo and silkscreen printing)
  5. Mechanical and product assembly
PT. Amtek Plastic Batam
Lot 11 Citra Buana Industrial Park III
Jl. Engku Putri, Batam Center, Batam 29461
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