PT. Ristech Manufacturing was established in early 2009, a company specialized in the manufacturing of Jig & Fixtures. We provide a comprehensive range of products and services to serve the needs of Metal, Plastic, Electronics, Semiconductor, and Oil and Gas Industries (OGI) in Indonesia. We are looking professional candidates as Production Manager

Production Manager

  1. Pria
  2. Min. Diploma
  3. Penglaman 3 th dibidangnya
  4. Tidak sedang kuliah
  5. Berkemauan keras
  6. Disiplin, jujur & tanggung jawab
  7. Bisa bekerja secara tim maupun individual
Lamaran ditujukan ke :
PT. Ristech Manufacturing
Komplek Workshop Villa Mas Blok B No.2
Sei Panas - Batam