PT. Teckwah Paper Products Indonesia
PT. Teckwah Paper Products Indonesia
Teckwah started as humble producer of plain packaging boxes back in 1968. We have since evolved to become a trusted brand to business owners seeking to visually communicate their products through packaging. Eager to serve, delight and engage at every touch point, we deliver remarkable consumer experiences and achieve outstanding commercial outcomes for our customers. At Teckwah, we are committed to enhance and uplift your brand value – right from your needs to what your consumers want.

Our full suite of printing, packaging, logistics, supply chain management and digital solutions ensure that you receive the best integrated solutions in the market. Our expertise from the printing stage to delivery and customer after care support means that we can customise, localise or globalise our offerings to suit your needs regardless of the industry you’re in.

We have successfully built strong relationships with global brands in sectors such as biomedical, electronics, technology, F&B and lifestyle.

We will help you reach your customers more effectively and understand what they want, how they want it, when they want it. Let us work with you to take your products and your services to your customers in a way that excites them, engages them and moves them. Allow us to create value for you and realise what we can make possible… together.

PT. Teckwah Paper Products Indonesia

Jl. Beringin Lot 268 – 269 Batamindo Industrial Park
Mukakuning – Batam 29433
Telepon : +62 770 612042